Tap to Tidy

Tap to Tidy

Author: Stacey Solomon
Hardback 272 Pages / Published: 2021
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If you're reading this, then we have something in common .... Whether it's a love of getting crafty, meticulously organising or making fun-shaped snacks!I find it hard to sit still, but losing myself in a craft project or tidying a drawer is my form of meditation. It's a chance for me to forget about the things going on in the world around me for a minute.

I hope this book helps you to lose yourself for a moment, too - and that you enjoy reading it and even, maybe, having a go at some of the bits inside. Lots of Love, to the moon and backStacey x

Publisher: Ebury Press
ISBN: 9781529109498
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 424 g
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