Photography Now

Photography Now

Author: Charlotte Jansen
Hardback 240 Pages / Published: 2021-04-22
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Discover the work of 50 photographers at the forefront of photography today, and how they are changing the way we think about the art form In the last century photographers had it easy: you could take a photograph of something new and create a whole genre by doing so. Now, in the 21st century, things are different. Standing out is more of an achievement.This extensively illustrated survey presents the most significant photographers working today, with high-quality reproductions of their work alongside commentary and interviews. Their styles are varied: some are drawing on traditional styles while others are taking full advantage of modern techniques and technology. In each case, they have to deal with a post-Instagram world, where photography competes for mind space in a completely different way than it did at the turn of the century. This comprehensive and authoritative guide demonstrates why the work of the new masters is so significant and gives a broad survey of the state of photography today.

Publisher: Octopus Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781781576205
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 1518 g
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