Big Feelings

Big Feelings

Author: Liz Fosslien
Hardback 263 Pages / Published: 2022-07-07
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'This book will restore your sense of control - and make you feel less alone in the world' ADAM GRANT Big Feelings addresses anyone intimidated by oversized feelings they can't predict or control, offering the tools to understand what's really going on, find comfort and face the future with a sense of newfound agency. Through insightful psychology and illustrations that explain big issues in a nutshell, Big Feelings will help you understand: - how to end the cycle of intrusive thoughts brought on by regret, and instead use this feeling as a compass for making decisions; - how to identify what's behind your anger and communicate it productively, without putting people on the defensive; - why you might be suffering from perfectionism even if we feel far from perfect, and how to detach your self-worth from what you do. Weaving surprising science with personal stories and original illustrations, each chapter examines one uncomfortable feeling - like envy, burnout and anxiety - and lays out strategies for turning big emotions into manageable ones.

Publisher: Canongate Books
ISBN: 9781838858513
Number of pages: 263
Weight: 350 g
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