The Reign

The Reign

Author: Matthew Engel
Hardback 627 Pages / Published: 2022
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" The first part of Matthew Engel's sweeping social history of modern Britain during the reign of Elizabeth II. She came to the throne in 1952 when Britain had a far-flung empire, sweets were rationed, mums stayed home and kids played on bombsites. Seventy years on, everything has changed utterly - except the Queen herself, ageing far more gracefully than the fractious nation over which she so lightly presides. How did we get from there to here in a single reign? To cancel culture, anti-vaxxers and Twitterfeeds? Matthew Engel tells the story - starting with the years from Churchill to Thatcher - with his own light touch and a wealth of fascinating, forgotten, often funny detail"--Publisher's description.

Publisher: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781786496676
Number of pages: 627
Weight: 620 g
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