This Book Could Save Your Life

This Book Could Save Your Life

Author: New Scientist
Paperback 224 Pages / Published: 2021-05-11
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You are what you eat. Food and diet have an enormous influence on your health and well-being, but eating the right amount of the right things - and not too much of the wrong things - isn't easy. But, as in most walks of life, knowledge is power. This book will empower you to eat healthily, lose weight, and sort the fads from the science facts. This is the New Scientist take on a "New Year, New You" book: an eye-opening and myth-busting guide to everything from sugar to superfoods, from fasting to eating like a caveman and from veganism to your gut microbiome. Forget faddy diet books or gimmicky exercise programs, this is what is scientifically proven to make you live longer and to be healthier and happier.

Publisher: John Murray Press
ISBN: 9781529311310
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 300 g
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